Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Theory for 12/21/2012

*IF* something major does happen on 12/21/2012, here is my theory:

Solar storms (solar maximum is expected sometime in 2012) disrupt all things electronic, including (but not limited to) communication, transportation, utilities, etc, upon which chaos and panic ensues globally.  All of the wealthy elite, politicians, and a large chunk of the military will be transported to the Denver Airport where they will be given safe passage to the shelter / facility underneath.  Once the chaotic melee above dies down to a more manageable (or controllable) level, the financial and political elites, along with the [para]military, will emerge and take charge, immediately invoking martial law "out of necessity".  Whomever is fortunate enough to survive the chaos, these people will be in dire need of food, water, shelter, etc.  They will be welcomed to the FEMA Camps with open arms.  If the Georgia Guidestones are adhered to, and more than 500 million people survive globally, then the Red List vs Blue List (as mentioned in the FEMA Camps video) will be implemented.  Together, the members of secretive organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and other secret societies around the globe will form a one-world government, currency, and legal system, most likely modeled after a combination of Fascism and Feudalism.  (History has proven that panicked citizens will readily embrace almost any manner of authority)  Anyone who questions or challenges this new system will be classified as a terrorist and imprisoned indefinitely under the NDAA, which, of course, will still exist, but will be fittingly renamed to the WDAA, or the World Defense Authorization Act.

Can I prove this?  Of course not.  Could I be wrong?  Of course!  In fact, I hope that I am...

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